Scert Telangana Textbooks for Class 8 2023 PDF Download

Scert Telangana Textbooks for Class 8 2023 PDF Download: The state government of Telangana planned to provide free e-books for students who cannot afford them through their official website State Council of educational research and training (SCERT). Any person can download the books provided with various links within seven languages medium of study. The subjects included in the 8th class are Maths, Science, Social, Telugu, Hindi, Urdu, Sanskrit, and English. Contenders can select the related link and proceed further according to their use.

SCERT Telangana Textbooks for Class 8 English / Telugu Medium Subject Wise:

Class 8 English Textbook of SCERT Telangana:

In present days English is the main language for communication. For a proper way of learning and communicating, basics should be learned. All such necessary content teaching is planned for standard 8 provided through the book “Our World through English”. Students have to follow the content according to the mentioned way. Then only a path of easy learning can be found.

Class 8 Mathematics Textbook of SCERT Telangana:

Calculations are a part of our life. So, Mathematics subject has become necessary to learn. All the chapters of the class 8 book are designed to inculcate practical knowledge from society and are explained with proper examples, which improve the thinking ability of the student.

SCERT Telangana 8th Class Textbooks 2023

First Language Second Language
Telugu 8th Class Telugu Textbook
Sanskrit 8th Class Sanskrit Textbook CC
Urdu 8th Class Urdu Textbook (UM FL & Arabic)
Hindi 8th Class Hindi Textbook (HM)
English 8th Class English Textbook
First Language Second Language
Telugu 8th Class Second Language Telugu Textbook
Sanskrit 8th Class Second Language Sanskrit OC Textbook
Urdu 8th Class Second Language Urdu Textbook
Hindi 8th Class Second Language Hindi Textbook

8th Class Mathematics Textbooks 2022

Medium 8th Class Maths Textbook
English & Telugu 8th Class Bilingual Maths Textbook Part 1
English & Telugu 8th Class Bilingual Maths Textbook Part 2
Telugu 8th Class Telugu Medium Maths Textbook
English 8th Class English Medium Maths Textbook
Urdu 8th Class Urdu Medium Maths Textbook
Hindi 8th Class Hindi Medium Maths Textbook
Kannada 8th Class Kannada Medium Maths Textbook
Marathi 8th Class Marathi Medium Maths Textbook
Tamil 8th Class Tamil Medium Maths Textbook
8th Class Mathematics Textbooks 2023

8th Class Physical Science Textbooks 2023

Medium 8th Class Physical Science Textbook
English & Telugu 8th Class Bilingual Physical Science Textbook Part 1
English & Telugu 8th Class Bilingual Physical Science Textbook Part 2
Telugu 8th Class Telugu Medium Physical Science Textbook
English 8th Class English Medium Physical Science Textbook
Urdu 8th Class Urdu Medium Physical Science Textbook
Hindi 8th Class Hindi Medium Physical Science Textbook
Kannada 8th Class Kannada Medium Physical Science Textbook
Marathi 8th Class Marathi Medium Physical Science Textbook
Tamil 8th Class Tamil Medium Physical Science Textbook

8th Class Biological Science Textbooks 2023

Medium 8th Class Biological Science Textbook
English & Telugu 8th Class Bilingual Biological Science Textbook Part 1
English & Telugu 8th Class Bilingual Biological Science Textbook Part 2
Telugu 8th Class Telugu Medium Biological Science Textbook
English 8th Class English Medium Biological Science Textbook
Urdu 8th Class Urdu Medium Biological Science Textbook
Hindi 8th Class Hindi Medium Biological Science Textbook
Kannada 8th Class Kannada Medium Biological Science Textbook
Marathi 8th Class Marathi Medium Biological Science Textbook
Tamil 8th Class Tamil Medium Biological Science Textbook

8th Class Social Textbooks 2023

Medium 8th Class Social Textbook
English & Telugu 8th Class Bilingual Social Textbook Part 1
English & Telugu 8th Class Bilingual Social Textbook Part 2
Telugu 8th Class Telugu Medium Social Textbook
English 8th Class English Medium Social Textbook
Urdu 8th Class Urdu Medium Social Textbook
Hindi 8th Class Hindi Medium Social Textbook
Kannada 8th Class Kannada Medium Social Textbook
Marathi 8th Class Marathi Medium Social Textbook
Tamil 8th Class Tamil Medium Social Textbook

8th Class Mathematics Textbook Chapters:

  1.   Rational Numbers
  2.   Linear Equations in One Variable
  3.   Construction of Quadrilaterals
  4. Exponents and Powers
  5. Comparing Quantities using Proportion
  6. Square Roots and Cube Roots
  7. Frequency Distribution Tables and Graphs
  8. Exploring Geometrical Figures
  9. Area of Plane Figures
  10. Direct and Inverse Proportions
  11. Algebraic Expressions
  12. Factorisation
  13. Visualizing 3-D in 2-D
  14. Surface Area and Volume (Cube-Cuboid)
  15. Playing with Numbers

Class 8 Science Textbook of SCERT Telangana:

Biology and Physical Science are the two parts that come under the study of the 8th-class science textbook. Science is a subject that should be learned from observing nature. A keen observation helps to gain more knowledge and can apply it to developing or inventing new things.

 8th Class Physical Science Textbook Chapters:

  1. Force
  2. Friction
  3. Synthetic fibres and plastics
  4. Metals and non-metals
  5. Sound
  6. Reflection of light at plane surfaces
  7. Coal and petroleum
  8. Combustion, fuels, and flame
  9. The electric conductivity of liquids
  10. Some natural phenomena
  11. Stars and solar system
  12. Graphs of motion

8th Class Biology Textbook Chapters:

  1. What is Science?
  2. Cell – The Basic Unit of Life
  3. The World of Microorganisms Part I&II
  4. Reproduction in Animals
  5. The Age of Adolescence
  6. Biodiversity and its Conservation
  7. Different Ecosystems
  8. Production of Food from Plants
  9. Production of Food from Animals
  10. Not for Breathing Not for Drinking
  11. Why do we fall ill?

Class 8 Social Studies Textbook of SCERT Telangana:

The Social Studies Textbook is divided into six themes. Each theme is organized from the parts of Civics, Geography, Economics, or History. All the topics should be learned and analyzed based on the lesson taught by the teacher. This helps inculcate more subject knowledge. Practice is vital in revising the subject as it is vast.

8th Class Social Textbook Chapters:

Theme – I: Diversity on the Earth

  1. Reading and Analysis of Maps
  2. Energy from the Sun
  3. Earth Movements and Seasons
  4. The Polar Regions
  5. Forests: Using and Protecting
  6. Minerals and Mining

Theme – II: Production, Exchange, and Livelihoods

  1. Money and Banking
  2. Impact of Technology on Livelihoods
  3. Public Health and the Government

Theme -III: Political Systems and Governance

  1. Landlords and Tenants under the British and the Nizam
  2. National Movement – The Early Phase 1885-1919
  3. National Movement – The Last Phase 1919-1947
  4. Freedom Movement in Hyderabad State
  5. The Indian Constitution
  6. Parliament and Central Government
  7. Law and Justice – A Case Study

Theme – IV: Social Organisation and Inequities

  1. Abolition of the Zamindari System
  2. Understanding Poverty
  3. Rights Approach to Development

Theme – V: Religion and Society

  1. Social and Religious Reform Movements
  2. Understanding Secularism

Theme -VI: Culture and Communication

  1. Performing Arts and Artistes in Modern Times
  2. Film and Print Media
  3. Sports: Nationalism and Commerce
  4. Disaster Management

All the pdf links free download of the 8th standard Telangana SCERT are given by our website for easy access of students. Aspirants can utilize the precious opportunity and pave a better path for their life.

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