NCERT Books: Textbooks PDF for Class 1 to 12th Download

NCERT Books PDF for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12th all subjects. Students can download the latest NCERT textbooks at National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) is an organization set up by the Indian government to advise and assist the policies of central and state governments for school education qualitative improvement. The main aim of this NCERT is to prepare and publish NCERT books, newsletters, journals, supplementary materials, multimedia digital materials, etc. Apart from this, an online system named e-pathshala is designed jointly by NCERT and the Ministry of Human Resource Development for broadcasting e-schooling including textbooks, video, audio, etc for free access to mobiles, tablets, laptops, and desktops.

Why NCERT Textbooks:

NCERT books are printed for Class I to Class XII. The textbooks prepared by NCERT for classes I to XII are prescribed by the Central Board of School Education (CBSC). The books of NCERT are printed in color-print and are made available in markets for less cost. These books alone show their importance as they are designed by experts after a period of research work. The NCERT textbooks are designed with a complete practical knowledge-based view in a simplified way.

A common syllabus is seen in textbooks of NCERT all over the country. Based on that concept, all the textbooks are designed in two languages English and Hindi. The organization of NCERT not only works with our country. In the field of school education, it acts as an implementation agency to other countries for bilateral cultural exchange programs. It is stepping forward to invent new methods and ideas to view a drastic change in the educational field.

Advantages of NCERT Books:

NCERT books pdf provided by the website can be accessed and downloaded free of cost. The students who cannot afford to buy textbooks can make use of the downloaded lessons. Every person can make use of the books as they are available in Hindi as well as English languages. Students have an additional advantage of clearing their doubts with the answers pdf provided for the related class textbook. By this process, a student can indulge in the self-learning pattern without the help of parents or teachers. NCERT textbook is useful for the contenders who wish to compete for any competitive examinations. As every topic is mentioned in a detailed way, a person can prepare well and gain knowledge from subject topics. There is an option for selecting and downloading the related subject. So, any people can access easily the intended subject pdf files.

NCERT Classes 1 to 12th Class textbooks free PDF Download:


The NCERT textbooks are provided by the National Council of Educational Research and Training to download free of cost. To grab the NCERT pdf content of the class books, the intenders have to follow the below-given steps. The students or the individuals can download the complete book or can download the desired chapters according to their options.

  • Visit the website
  • On the title bar select publications. Then a dropdown box appears.
  • Select the option PDF (I-XII).
  • Then a new page gets opened where you have to select the details of the class, subject, and book title.
  • After selecting click on the go button.
  • The page also displays topics like chapters, Prelims (Preliminary information of the book), a Guide for using QR code, Answers, and download the complete book.
  • Users can select the required one from the list and click on the open option provided.
  • The downloaded pdf can be used for future use.
  • Textbooks PDF (I-XII) View and Download 

NCERT Books PDF Free Download for Class 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1st Class Students

NCERT Books PDF for Class 12

                                         NCERT Class 12 English Medium Subject Wise PDF Books

NCERT Class 12 English Books NCERT Class 12 Mathematics Books 
NCERT Book Flamingo

NCERT Book Kaleidoscope

NCERT Book Vistas

Mathematics Part-I

Mathematics Part-II

Physics Part-I 

Physics Part-II

Accountancy Part I 

Accountancy Part II 

Computerized Accounting System 


Human Ecology and Family Sciences Part I

Themes in Indian History-I

Themes in Indian History-II 

Themes in Indian History-III 

Fundamentals of Human Geography

Practical Work in Geography Part II

Indian Society 

Social Change and Development in India

chemistry I 

chemistry II 

Contemporary World Politics

Political Science-II

Introductory Microeconomics 

Introductory Macroeconomics

Business Studies I

Business Studies II

Craft Tradition of India
New Age Graphics Design Human Ecology and Family Sciences Part I

Human Ecology and Family Sciences Part II

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