Minority e-Scholarship Scheme 2023 Apply Online

Minority e-Scholarship Scheme 2022-2023 Application Process for Fresh Students: The Minority e-Scholarship Scheme is introduced by Prime Minister through the National Scholarship Portal (NSP). The concerned State Government/Union Territory will announce the scheme. The eligible students can apply through the online process. It is Central Sector Scheme and 100% funding is made by the Ministry of Minority Affairs. The main objective of it is to provide financial assistance to the poor and meritorious students belonging to minority communities for pursuing further professional and technical courses. Empowerment through education is one of the objectives of this scheme.

The scholarship is awarded for studies in the Indian government or a private institution selected and notified transparently by the state government/Union Territory Administration. It applies to technical and professional courses at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The minority e-scholarship is categorized as Pre-Matric Scholarship, Post-Matric Scholarship, and Merit cum Means Based Scholarship.

Pre-Matric Scholarship:

Objective: Pre-matric level is designed to encourage parents from minority communities to send their school-going children to school, lighten their financial burden on school education and keep their efforts to complete the school education of their children.

Scope: It is awarded for studies in Indian government or private schools from class I to class X, including residential Government institutes and eligible private institutes.

Eligibility: The students should have secured not less than 50% marks and the parent’s annual income from all sources should not exceed one lakh.

Duration: The scholarships are provided for the entire course.

Post-Matric Scholarship:

Objective: The scheme is to award scholarships to meritorious students belonging to economically weaker sections of minority communities for higher education and enhanced employability.

Scope: It is applicable for studies in the Indian government or private higher secondary school/college/university, including government residential institutes and eligible private institutes selected and notified transparently by the State Government/Union Territory Administration concerned.

Eligibility: The students should have secured not less than 50% marks and the parent’s annual income from all sources should not exceed two lakhs.

Duration: Duration: The scholarships are provided for the entire course of the academic year.

Merit cum Means-Based Scholarship: 

Objective: The Scheme is to provide financial assistance for the poor and meritorious students of minority communities for enabling them to pursue professional and technical courses.

Scope: It is awarded for India Government studies or private institutions, selected and notified transparently by the State Government/Union Territory Administration concerned.

Eligibility: The students should have secured not less than 50% marks and the parent’s annual income from all sources should not exceed two and a half lakhs.

Duration: The scholarships are provided for the entire course of the academic year/ course.

How to Apply for Minority E-Scholarship Scheme:

  • Open the official website http://www.scholarships.gov.in
  • Select the option “Apply Online”.
  • Choose either of the option Pre-matric Scholarship, Post-matric Scholarship, or Merit-cum-Means Scholarship.
  • Fill in all the necessary fields of the application.
  • Upload the necessary documents as mentioned.
  • Finally, click on submit to complete the process.

Minority scholarship Documents to upload:

  • Income certificate
  • Caste certificate
  • Community certificate
  • Aadhar card
  • Student Photo
  • Institution verification form
  • Fee receipt for the current course
  • Self-declaration form

Rules applied to the e-Scholarship Scheme of Minority groups:

  • The scholarship is given not for more than two children in a family.
  • Students should have regular attendance.
  • If a student violates school discipline or any other terms and conditions of the scholarship, it may be suspended or cancelled.
  • The scholarship applied for should be renewed for the next year.
  • If a student is found to get a scholarship by a false statement, his/her scholarship will get cancelled forthwith and the amount of the scholarship paid will be recovered by the concerned State/UT Govt.
  • If a student violates school rules or any other terms and conditions of the scholarship process, the scholarship may be cancelled or suspended. The Union Territory or State Government Administration has a right to directly cancel the award if not satisfied with the reasons for violating the regulations governing the scheme
  • A student shall be eligible for only one scholarship out of all the available Scholarships of the Central Government meant for SC/ST/OBC/minority.
  • The amount for students will be credited to the mentioned bank account if the Aadhar is seeded correctly to their bank account.
  • The students if claiming any other scholarship will not be eligible for the present scheme of Minority E-scholarship.

The State/Union Territory shall keep year-wise details of the students who receive the scholarship, indicating institute/ school location of school/institute, government or private, class, gender, new or renewal, permanent address, and parents’ address. The States/ Union Territories can place relevant physical and financial details on the official website.

In an above-discussed way, the students belonging to the minority group can plan to receive the scholarship and can continue their studies without any further disturbances. In this way, our Indian government is working hard to bring up the literacy rate.

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