Jagananna Amma Vodi HM Login at cfms.ap.gov.in

jagananna amma vodi ap gov in hm login  – HM / MEO / DEO Login Check List | Eligibility | Payment Status: Knowing the importance of education and how it drives to enhances the personality of an individual in the right way, the Andhra Pradesh Government had initiated a scheme called “Amma Vodi”. The main motto of this scheme is to provide financial support for below-poverty-line mothers to educate their children. This is the one education-supported online platform where children from class I to class XII can have the chance to achieve their dreams.

AP government sanctions an amount of Rs.15,000/- for economically poor mothers in order to educate their children. The sanctioned amount will be transferred to the beneficiary’s account in the month of January every financial year. Students can avail of this benefit either in certified Government, Private Unaided schools/Private Aided, or Junior colleges/Residential colleges in the Andhra Pradesh state.

Who is eligible for amma Vodi?

To avail of the benefits awarded by the Amma Vodi scheme, citizens should follow the below-declared eligibility criteria.

  • The family should hold an Aadhar/Voter ID card and white ration card issued by AP Government
  • None of the family members should be an employee of either state or central government
  • Children should score a minimum of 75% attendance in the school
  • The student and his/her mother should be a resident of Andhra Pradesh
  • If any discontinuity occurs in their education from class I to class XII, they are not eligible for the scheme

Here you can check am avoid hm login details and payment status.

Jagananna Amma Vodi HM Login and  HM / MEO / DEO Login Page Available Here

Jagananna Amma Vodi HM Login

Required documents to be submitted for Jagananna Amma Vodi

To take the advantages offered by the Amma Vodi scheme, one has to submit a few documents which are mentioned below:

  • Aadhar/Voter ID card
  • White ration card
  • Address proof certificate
  • Educational institution name of the student
  • Candidate mother’s passport size photo
  • Candidate mother’s bank account details
  • Candidate’s education institution identity proof

Amma Vodi application procedure

  1. Collect the application form from the government office or from the Grama Sachivalayam centers
  2. Enter the details in the application form. Make sure all the entered details are correct
  3. Affix a passport size photograph of the child to the application
  4. Attach all the necessary documents
  5. Along with the application form and documents, submit those to the government office or to the Grama Sachivalayam

Process check of child eligibility for the Jagananna Amma Vodi

This is the process to know Amma vodi list check online whether a child is eligible to apply for the Amma Vodi scheme or not. Below is the procedure to follow:

  1. Open the official website https://jaganannaammavodi.ap.gov.in/
  2. On the home page click the option “SEARCH CHILD DETAILS FOR AMMAVODI 2020-21”. This redirects you to the main page of “SEARCH CHILD DETAILS FOR AMMAVODI 2020-21”
  3. The page shows the list of districts and selects the option “Click Here” based on the district that a candidate’s studying school district
  4. On the next page, enter the details and click the ‘Get Details’ button. The details to be entered are:
    1. Student Studying School District
    2. Select Type – From the available drop-down list (Child Id, Child Aadhar, or Mother Aadhar), select the option through which you would like to check the eligibility
    3. Mother/Guardian Aadhar number
    4. Verification code
  5. On clicking the ‘Get Details’ button, the page displays a detailed list of the child and shows whether the child is eligible for the Amma Vodi scheme or not.
    1. If a child is eligible, the status is displayed as ‘Eligible’
    2. If not eligible, the status is shown as ‘Not Eligible’ or ‘With Held’

Note: When the status is displayed as ‘Not Eligible’ or ‘With Held’, they need to visit the nearest grama sachivalayam center and can know the reason for ineligibility.

Jagananna Amma Vodi Payment Status check procedure

When the AP government release funds for the Amma Vodi scheme, the amount will get credited to the eligible children’s bank accounts. This section shows the process of how to check Amma Vodi payment status in online mode.

To know the payment status, initially, the child should know their beneficiary code, and to know this

  1. Open the website https://cfms.ap.gov.in
  2. On the home page in the ‘Citizen Services’ section, click on ‘Expenditure Links’. Click on ‘Beneficiary Search’. The ‘Beneficiary Search’ page opens. Enter the details and click on the ‘Search’ button
  3. The page displays all the bank and beneficiary details.
  4. Make a note of the beneficiary code and return back to the home page.
  5. Now, in the ‘Citizen Services’ section, Click ‘Beneficiary Account Statement’ from the ‘Expenditure Links’. The ‘Beneficiary Account Statement’ page opens.
  6. Enter the beneficiary code and other details and click the ‘Display’ button.
  7. Upon clicking the Display button all the information such as Bill No, Bill Date, Beneficiary Doc No, Payment Status, Payment Amount, Payment Doc, Payment Date, and bank details.

Note: The candidate will be also provided with the ‘Download’ option to download the details.

This is how a child can know Jagananna Amma Vodi HM Login – Check List | Eligibility | Payment Status whether their payment is successful or not.

So, this is how the Amma Vodi scheme stands as financial support for many of the children in Andhra Pradesh state. We hope that you have received detailed and good information related to the jagananna amma vodi district-wise and jagananna amma vodi status, jagananna amma vodi.ap.gov.in district-wise. To know more about government, educational and other schemes, visit our website Swachhvidyalaya where we make sure to provide updated and appropriate information.

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