Dost Student login 2021 | dost website

About DOST: DOST Degree is referred to as Degree Online Services Telangana under the Government of Telangana. The Telangana State Council of Higher Education TSCHE was established by the order of the Telangana state government to the provisions of the AP recognition act 2014. 

Here, in this article, we have prescribed the login process, fee payment process, useful website links, and other related information regarding the DOST program. Go through the below article carefully for more related information related to DOST. 

Admission Under DOST Student Login 2021

Dost Student login

Congratulations to all the students who have successfully passed the Intermediate Public Examination, 2021. The degree is the next step in your academic pursuit. The government of Telangana welcomes you to the online platform, DOST (Degree Online Services, Telangana) for the academic year 2021-22. DOST facilitates you to join in UG courses like (B.A., B.Com, B.Sc., BBA, BCA, BBM, BSW, etc.). 

DOST offers a single window (DOST website for seeking admission into any of the undergraduate programs in any of the state universities (Osmania, Kakatiya, Telangana, Palamuru, Mahatma Gandhi, Sathavahana Universities). 

The process of admission is simple. It is student-friendly and one can do it by himself/herself. Candidate must register himself/herself by visiting the website and logging in by the Intermediate Hall -ticket number.

Admissions for the TSBTET 2 Diploma Courses (DHMCT and D-Pharmacy) are conducted through DOST from the Academic Year 2020-21. 

Telangana State Council of Higher Education

The Telangana State Council of Higher Education is the highest body of Higher Education of the State Government. It coordinates the University Grants Commission (UGC), the State Government, and the Universities. It is the general duty of the Council to determine standards in Higher Education Institutions, Research Institutions, Scientific and Technical Institutions. It streamlines the standards in accordance with the guidelines of the University Grants Commission, issued from time to time. The TSCHE envisages three distinct functions (a) Planning and Coordination, (b) Academic Functions, and (c) Advisory Functions.

What is DOST Program?

DOST is a web portal that is user-friendly to get admitted in an under graduation program like B.Sc., B.Com, B.A., etc.,  in any of the 6 universities in Telangana state. The list of universities is prescribed here for your reference. 

List of Universities under DOST Degree program:

  • Osmania University
  • Kakatiya University
  • Telangana University
  • Palamuru University
  • Mahatma Gandhi University
  • Satavahana University

The candidates who are eligible for the DOST program can continue their education in any of the above universities. 

Specialties of DOST Degree Program

This program is the first of its kind in the country. If you register for this program, you will be provided with the following facilities. 

  • Easy access to information on universities, colleges, courses, intake, and fee structure
  • Over 300,000 students are benefited
  • Over 1000 colleges, 200 UG courses are available across 6 major universities
  • Integrated with Board of Intermediate and Mee-Seva centers for Biometric authentication and certificate verification
  • Achieved SKOCH platinum award 2017

DOST Student Login 2021 – Admission Process

DOST-2021 Admission Process for the students is listed below. Advised to follow the below methods. 

  • Method-I: If a student has already linked Aadhaar number with the mobile number, he/she can directly register in DOST Website with mobile OTP authentication. In case, his/her Aadhaar number is not seeded with a mobile number, the student shall link his or his parent’s mobile number to the student’s Aadhaar at Aadhaar Update Centres. 
  • Method-II: The students visit MeeSeva Centre for biometric authentication and registration in DOST.
  •  Method-III: The TSBIE students can register in DOST through T App Folio Mobile App-based photo authentication.
  • The students may install Mobile-based T App Folio which contains the DOST ID generation services.
  • Students shall enter the Hall ticket Number of TSBIE, Date of Birth, Aadhaar Number, and Mobile Number. 
  • On verification of Hall Ticket, Date of Birth, Uniqueness of Aadhaar, and Uniqueness of Mobile, the details of the data (Candidate’s Name, Father’s Name, Mother’s Name, Gender, Candidate’s Photograph) would be returned to TS App Folio application.
  • On successful authentication of live photograph (selfie) with the photograph available in TSBIE service, DOST Reference ID is generated. 
  • Students get DOST Reference ID over SMS and on App.
  • The students can go for further process of registration and exercise web options on DOST online web portal. 

DOST Student Login 2021-  Online Registration Process

The candidates can do online registration in the DOST portal for degree admission 2021-22. Who have completed the eligibility criteria, needs to follow the below steps to register under DOST. 

  • Visit the official website of DOST i.e, Click Here.
  • Then click on the link, “TS DOST Pre Registration 2021” on the web portal.
  • Select qualifying board from the drop-down list.
  • Then you need to select the year of passing.
  • Enter your hall ticket number
  • Select DOB. 
  • Enter Aadhaar Number
  • Then enter your mobile number
  • Then write Student name, gender, father name. 
  • Mark the checkboxes
  • Now you will get an OTP on your registered mobile.
  • Enter OTP and your DOST ID will be generated. 

DOST Student Login 2021- Fee Payment Process

Registration on DOST is by paying a registration fee of Rs 200/-. 

  • After the registration students will get DOST ID and PIN. The students are advised to keep their DOST ID and PIN carefully and confidentially till the end of the admission process. o The students shall log in using DOST ID and PIN/password to open the Application Form. o They must fill in the application form with all the correct details that are required (once the data is submitted it cannot be edited). 
  • Then they must exercise web options by choosing the course and college of their preference by giving the priority numbers. (One must be careful while giving college and course priorities as the seats will be allotted according to the priorities specified in the options.) 
  • The students are advised not to share DOST ID/PIN/Password with anybody to keep their options confidential.
  •  Seat allotment will be given to the students who exercised web options. o Seats will be allotted based on the merit and reservations in force. o If the students are satisfied with the seat allotted, they must confirm the seat by online self-reporting and pay the required confirmation fee online as per the payment mentioned below.
  •  The students who confirm their seat (in any phase) by online self-reporting must visit the allotted college in person from 18.08.2021 to 21.08.2021 and submit the required certificates and pay a fee, then only your seat is confirmed. o If the student is not satisfied with the seat secured, he can pay a fee (online payment) for the reservation of the seat and then, go for web options once again in the second and third phases. 

Fee Payment Process of DOST Student Login 2021 

The student needs to follow the below-mentioned process to pay the fees under the DOST program. 

  • The students shall pay the DOST registration fee and reservation fee through online payment gateways. 
  • The students who are allotted to Government/University Colleges and are eligible for ePass fee reimbursement need not pay any amount for online self-reporting.
  • The students who are allotted to Private Colleges and are eligible for ePass fee reimbursement need to pay an amount of Rs.500/- for online self-reporting. 
  • The students who are allotted to Government/University Colleges/Private Colleges and are not eligible for ePass college fee reimbursement need to pay an amount of Rs.1000/- for online self-reporting. 

Help-Line Centers: 

In total 105 helpline centers are established. HelpLine Centres will help the students to register on DOST, rectify any mismatch with Aadhaardetails, rectify any wrong uploading of Certificates. 

Important Links

Hope we feel you got all the related information regarding the DOST program, the Login process, and important links. Keep visiting SwachhVidyalaya for more updated information on DOST student login 2021-22. 

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