APSCERT – AP Textbooks PDF 2023 Download for 1st to 10th Class

APSCERT – AP Textbooks PDF 2023 Download for 1st to 10th Class Subject-wise, Language and Class wise New Syllabus 1st Class to 10th Class Text Books Download PDF at scert.ap.gov.in: Andhra Pradesh state government is providing a free download of AP SCERT Books for Classes 1 to 10 through the website State Council of Education Research and Training. These books are helpful to students, teachers, and other individuals. Along with these eBooks, resource books and modules are provided to the users on the website. The textbooks can be downloaded according to the choice of selecting medium of study i.e Telugu, Hindi, English, and Urdu Medium.

Nowadays usage of mobile is widely seen. It has become a common tool of communication among us. Every person is showing interest to carry user data in their mobile phone, instead of carrying a heavy book. For such persons, these textbooks in pdf form will be very useful. These textbooks are used by the teachers to prepare themselves and help them to prepare the academic curriculum plan. Mainly teachers and students are benefited from this. 

About APSCERT E-Books:

At present, we can rarely find a library. There is no interest in people gathering books and forming a library. Due to the present busy life of individuals, they are showing interest to perform their work faster within no time. To such types of people, the AP SCERT books are very useful. As they can be easily downloaded, everyone pays attention to making their work easier. 

Andhra Pradesh SCERT Telugu, Hindi, English, and Urdu Medium Text Books are available to students for reading and clearing their doubts. Each subject is provided with a separate link. English, Telugu, Sanskrit, Urdu, Science, Maths, Physics, Environment, Social and Biology are the subjects included in the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Education Research and Training. These books are not only helpful to the students. They can be utilized to gain knowledge.

AP textbooks will be helpful to the contenders preparing for competitive examinations conducted by the state and central government. As each book is prepared based on a certain curriculum plan, it will be easy to follow a particular plan of reading.  Practice exercises are designed at the end of each lesson. This helps the user to check to what extent they learned the topic. QR codes are designed for the upper primary classes. Students can scan the code to learn the topics better with audio and video lessons. In this way, the Andhra Pradesh government designed e-books for every person to improve their knowledge skills.  

The Download of APSCERT for Textbooks PDF :

At present time, parents are not willing to send their wards to school. To make their children study according to the school planner they can make use of the option of downloading books. Students of Andhra Pradesh state can download AP textbooks in pdf format for continuing their regular studies. In this present situation, students can pursue their studies by sitting at home with downloaded copies of pdf formats. Downloading these books is quite easy and one can follow the below steps.

  • Visit the website www.apscert.gov.in
  • Click on publications.
  • A drop-down box appears. Click on our books.
  • Then the user should select the medium of language, mention the class and subject.
  • Click on the link that appears to download the related book.
AP SCERT Textbooks
AP SCERT English Textbooks
Diksha New AP Textbooks (1st to 6th Class)

AP Textbooks PDF  e-books & Hand Books Subject-wise, Class wise

AP SCERT Textbooks

AP SCERT 10th Class Textbooks Download Subject-wise and Language wise ebooks 

Andhra Pradesh SCERT Class 10 English Medium Textbooks

  1. AP SCERT Class 10 Maths Textbooks
  2. AP SCERT Class 10 Physics Textbooks
  3. AP SCERT Class 10 Biology Textbooks
  4. AP SCERT Class 10 EVS Textbooks
  5. AP SCERT Class 10 Social Science Textbooks
  6. AP SCERT Class 10 Telugu Textbooks
  7. AP SCERT Class 10 English Textbooks

APSCERT Class 10 Telugu Medium Textbooks

  1. AP SCERT Class 10 Maths Book
  2. AP SCERT Class 10 Physics Book
  3. AP SCERT Class 10 Biology Book
  4. AP SCERT Class 10 Social Science Book
  5. AP SCERT Class 10 EVS Book
  6. AP SCERT Class 10 Telugu Book
  7. AP SCERT Class 10 Hindi Book
  8. AP SCERT Class 10 Sanskrit Main Language Book
  9. AP SCERT Class 10 Sanskrit Composite Course Book

APSCERT Class 10 Urdu Medium Textbooks

APSCERT Class 9 Textbooks

Andhra Pradesh SCERT Class 9 English Medium Textbooks

APSCERT Class 9 Telugu Medium Textbooks

Andhra Pradesh SCERT Class 8 English Medium Textbooks

APSCERT Class 8 Telugu Medium Textbooks

Andhra Pradesh SCERT Class 7 English Medium Textbooks

APSCERT Class 7 Telugu Medium Textbooks

Andhra Pradesh SCERT Class 6 English Medium Textbooks

APSCERT  – AP Textbooks PDF Class 6 Telugu Medium Textbooks

Andhra Pradesh SCERT Class 5 English Medium Textbooks

AP SCERT Class 5 Telugu Medium Textbooks

Andhra Pradesh SCERT Class 4 English Medium Textbooks

AP SCERT Class 4 Telugu Medium Textbooks

Andhra Pradesh SCERT Class 3 English Medium Textbooks

APSCERT Class 3 Telugu Medium Textbooks

Andhra Pradesh SCERT Class 2 English Medium Textbooks

Andhra Pradesh SCERT Class 1 English Medium Textbooks

APSCERT Textbooks

10th class EM  

10th class TM  

9th class     

8th class

7th class

6th class

Download e-Books

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