AP Inter 1st & 2nd Year Hall Tickets 2021 Download bie.ap.gov.in

AP Inter 1st & 2nd Year Hall Tickets 2021 Download bie.ap.gov.in: AP Inter Hall ticket, which is the most crucial and necessary document required for Inter students to appear for an Intermediate examination 2021. This stands as a fundamental step in appearing for the exam. Depending on the post or exam that a student appears in, this AP Inter 1st & 2nd Year hall ticket has to be carried to the examination center on the date of the exam. In regard to its prominence, the BIEAP hall ticket is the most essential document which confirms the identity of the student while appearing for the AP Board of Intermediate examination.

BIEAP is the official portal for AP Intermediate examinations and the board issues hall tickets for both regular and private candidates separately. This article explains a clear way of downloading their hall tickets from the official portal and also updates the latest dates as per the Intermediate board.

The board has confirmed that hall tickets for both the first and second year are released. For both the first- and second-year students, environmental education, Ethics & Human Values exams are previously conducted in their respective institutions. And for those exams, hall tickets are not needed. Whereas for the main Andhra Pradesh Inter examinations which are going from May 5, 2021, students should have to carry hall tickets because the examinations are conducted in a jumbling system which means a student will write the exam in other colleges and not in their own college.

The examination center will be provided in the hall ticket by the AP inter board. So, it is more important to carry AP Inter 1st & 2nd Year Hall Tickets at the time of examination.

AP Inter 1st & 2nd Year Hall Tickets 2021 Download Procedure

As per the current situations and convenience factors, the AP intermediate board allows students to download their AP Inter 1st & 2nd Year Hall Tickets 2021  from the official website. In order to download the hall tickets, below is the procedure to be followed:

  • Open the official website of BIEAP https://bie.ap.gov.in/
  • Hover on the link “IPE March-2021 Hall Tickets Download” which shows the options for General/Vocation Theory and Second Year General Practical.
  • Click on the required option. This redirects you to the hall ticket download page.
  • From here student can download their hall ticket by providing details like Aadhar number/hall ticket number, and date of birth or name.
  • Enter all the details and click on “Download AP Intermediate Hall Ticket”. This displays the hall ticket with all the necessary details of the student.
  • Download it and collect a printout of the document.

AP Intermediate 2021 Hall Ticket Details

Upon downloading the hall ticket, a student should ensure that the information present in the document is clear and correct. The details present in the hall ticket are:

  • Candidate’s roll number
  • Examination Center name and address of the location
  • Candidate Name
  • Candidate’s photograph
  • Father and Mother name of the candidate
  • Medium such as English/Telugu
  • District
  • Candidate Signature
  • Examination Timings
  • Date of Examinations
  • Important Guidelines

Important Information of AP Inter Examination 2021

The first- and second-year examinations will be conducted on alternative days in the morning sessions. The board decides to conduct the exams based on the streams such as M.P.C, Bi.P.C, M.E.C and C.E.C. And for every person who is in any stream and in the first year or second year, they need to carry their hall ticket.

As per the latest information, nearly 10.06 lakh students are appearing for the exams of both 1st and 2nd year. There were almost 1,448 examination centers all across the state and a student is not allowed to appear for the exam in any of the locations without having a hall ticket.

So, this is the prominence of AP Inter 1st & 2nd Year Hall Ticket. So, swachhvidyalaya ensures that it has provided detailed and necessary information about AP Intermediate Hal Ticket. We also make sure that the entire data presented here is true and is helpful for many. Have a daily visit to our website for any latest updates and notifications.

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