AP CFMS Bill Status Citizen Bill Status @ cfms.ap.gov.in

Andhra Pradesh AP CFMS Bill Status Check: Comprehensive Financial Management System (CFMS) is an online platform that is maintained by the government of Andhra Pradesh for managing all its financial transactions. AP CFMS Bill Status check is one of the major components that help government officials and other stakeholders for tracking the bill status and invoices. The bill check is helpful for the faster processing of invoices, and bills which help to improve the financial management system efficiency. By checking the bills, the errors occurred can be avoided in the process of billing.

What is Andhra Pradesh AP CFMS?

CFMS (Comprehensive Financial Management System) is an enterprise-level application that has been designed, executed, and developed by the Andhra Pradesh Centre for Financial Systems and Services (APCFSS) from the finance department. The vision of CFMS is to develop a Financial Management System enterprise-wide with transparency in operations, accountability at all levels, efficiency in financial transactions, effectiveness in control, and long-run sustainability for all the stakeholders.


AP CFMS Portal Services:

The services categorized under Comprehensive Financial Management System (CFMS) are Government to Citizen (G2C), Government to Government (G2G), Government to Business (G2B), and Government to Employee (G2E) are the areas covered by Government broad gamut and its stakeholders.

Government to Business (G2B):

Various payment gateway services such as Net banking, Credit card, Debit card, etc for the service and the business providers. Easier reconciliation data exchange of unique reference id between Banks, RBI, and Payment Gateway(s).

Government to Government (G2G):

The Finance Department, Heads of the Department, Treasuries, Drawing, and Disbursement Officers (DDOs), RBI, AG, and GSTN perform their duties under G2G. The finance department is responsible for the Effective collection, accounting, recording, and optimal utilization of state finance. Budget Distribution sanctions, approvals, and Budget Allocation requests act as the head of the department. The treasury department includes the services of Online Bill submission, tracking, processing, and payments that include enhanced management of the refund process. Real-time Online Bill submission, budget updates, payment, and tracking through Drawing and Disbursement Officers (DDOs).

Government to Citizen (G2C):

Different services like online gateway payment methods, payment status checks, payment acknowledgement, and SMS status checks are provided for easy access to citizens. Social Security Pensioners and taxpayers are benefited from the easy methods provided to them.

Government to Employee (G2E):

The government maintains the employee information for the creation of online employee challans to repay loans and other payments of the government.

Objectives of CFMS:

  • The solution of the CFMS approach is based on breaking departmental barriers on a holistic approach to facilitate decision-making for viewing state affairs by considering the comprehensive view.
  • Stakeholders handle ownership for taking the decisions and actions of the concerned stakeholders.
  • system sustainability is attained in the short and long term.
  • For doing the right things with the effectiveness of the CFMS solution context with accuracy, it connotes speed, minimum manual interface, consistency, reliability, and return on investment.

How to Check AP CFMS Bill Status / Citizen Bill Status?

  • Go to cfms.ap.gov.in.
  • Choose the option “Expenditure Links” from the “Citizen Services” option present on the left bottom of the home page.
  • Then drops down box gets opened.
  • · Select the “Bill Status” option from the drop-down box that appears on the screen.
  • A form gets opened. The user should provide the details as mentioned below.
  • Year
  • Bill No
  • Gross Amount
  • Deduction
  • Net Amount
  • Bill Status
  • DDO
  • District
  • Treasury Office
  • HOA
  • After entering the details of the bill a “Check List Log” will be displayed with the particulars “Processors, Activity, Action, Status, Received Date, and Processed Date” after grabbing the concerned details.
  • The user can get a hard or a soft copy of the bill for further reference.
  • Citizen Bill Status

How to get the login to CFMS:

To get the login to the CFMS, the users have to follow the below steps.

  • Visit the website www.cfms.apcfss.in.
  • Then choose the option “Login” that is present on the right top side of the page.
  • Then the applicant will be directed to a new page.
  • The spaces have to be filled with the details of “Login Id, Password, and selecting the language” .
  • If in any rare case, the user forgets the password can make use of the option “Forgot Password”.
  • After providing all the information, proceed with the option “Log On”.
  • The user can get logged in and use the services that are necessary for the user.

The employees working in the government department of Andhra Pradesh state can make use of all the facilities provided by the Comprehensive Financial Management System (CFMS) for easy access which is helpful for the completion of their work. The individuals can follow the easy method of explanation that is presented here which might be useful for the self-purpose. A person can get subscribed to us to attain data from the different sectors within a short period.

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